1 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- {{{1 --------- |
2 | --: Copyright © 1998 Nasser Abbasi -- |
3 | --: Copyright © 2003 Martin Krischik -- |
4 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
5 | --: This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- |
6 | --: terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- |
7 | --: ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- |
8 | --: sion. GETOPT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH -- |
9 | --: OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- |
10 | --: or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- |
11 | --: for more details. Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite -- |
12 | --: 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- |
13 | --: -- |
14 | --: As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- |
15 | --: unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- |
16 | --: this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- |
17 | --: covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- |
18 | --: however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- |
19 | --: covered by the GNU Public License. -- |
20 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
21 | --: change history: -- |
22 | --: -- |
23 | --: name changes -- |
24 | --: ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- |
25 | --: NMA021899 created -- |
26 | --: NMA030299 Made it modified GPL. chanegd header. -- |
27 | --: -- |
28 | --: description: -- |
29 | --: -- |
30 | --: This package is an Ada implementation of getopt() as specified by the -- |
31 | --: document "The Single UNIX Specification, Version 2", Copyright 1997 The -- |
32 | --: Open Group -- |
33 | --: -- |
34 | --: Compiler used: GNAT 3.11p -- |
35 | --: Platform: Linux 2.0.36 ( Red hat 5.2) -- |
36 | --------------------------------------------------------------- }}}1 ---------- |
37 | |
38 | pragma License (Modified_Gpl); |
39 | pragma Ada_2022; |
40 | |
41 | with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; |
42 | |
43 | --- |
44 | -- @summary |
45 | -- Ada Class Library |
46 | -- Analyse command line |
47 | -- |
48 | -- @description |
49 | -- A modern object oriented version of GetOpt made for Ada - that's without the C style ugliness. |
50 | -- |
51 | -- Also, unlike for example GNAT.Command_Line this package is re-entrant. All internal states are kept inside the |
52 | -- class instance so two tasks can parse the command line in parallel. |
53 | -- |
54 | -- Last not least this command line parser has wide character support for short options, long options and file names. |
55 | -- |
56 | package AdaCL.Command_Line.GetOpt is |
57 | |
58 | --- |
59 | -- internale data |
60 | type Object is tagged private; |
61 | |
62 | -- Return values. The C version had only two states: -1 error, > 0 option character. |
63 | -- |
64 | --: @value EndOfOptions no more options |
65 | --: @value NoOption no option |
66 | --: @value GNU_Style GNU style option |
67 | --: @value WithArgument option with argument |
68 | --: @value WithoutArgument option without argument |
69 | --: @value Error parser encountered error |
70 | type FoundFlag is |
71 | (EndOfOptions, |
72 | NoOption, |
73 | GNU_Style, |
74 | WithArgument, |
75 | WithoutArgument, |
76 | Error); |
77 | |
78 | --- |
79 | -- GNU Option to request Help |
80 | -- |
81 | Help_GNU : constant Wide_Wide_String; |
82 | |
83 | --- |
84 | -- Short Option to request Help |
85 | -- |
86 | Help_Short : constant Wide_Wide_Character; |
87 | |
88 | --- |
89 | -- Flags an Error, unknown options are errors |
90 | -- |
91 | Option_Error : constant Wide_Wide_Character; |
92 | |
93 | --- |
94 | -- Options with Arguments. |
95 | -- |
96 | Option_Argument : constant Wide_Wide_Character; |
97 | |
98 | --- |
99 | -- Character with which all options start |
100 | -- |
101 | Option_Marker : constant Wide_Wide_Character; |
102 | |
103 | --- |
104 | -- Option could not be parsed |
105 | -- |
106 | Option_Parse_Error : exception; |
107 | |
108 | --- |
109 | -- Option was not given |
110 | -- |
111 | Option_Missing_Error : exception; |
112 | |
113 | --- |
114 | -- Wrong combination of Options was not given |
115 | -- |
116 | Option_Wrong_Error : exception; |
117 | |
118 | --- |
119 | -- get next Option. |
120 | -- |
121 | --: @param This Object itself. |
122 | --: @param Found Result of the Next command |
123 | procedure Next (This : in out Object; Found : out FoundFlag); |
124 | |
125 | --- |
126 | -- Start Parsing the command line. |
127 | -- |
128 | --: @param This the Object itself |
129 | procedure Parse (This : in out Object); |
130 | |
131 | --- |
132 | -- A Classic Style Option without Argument was found on the command line |
133 | -- |
134 | --: @param This the Object itself |
135 | procedure Analyze_WithoutArgument (This : in out Object); |
136 | |
137 | --- |
138 | -- A Classic Style Option with Argument was found on the command line |
139 | -- |
140 | --: @param This the Object itself |
141 | procedure Analyze_WithArgument (This : in out Object); |
142 | |
143 | --- |
144 | -- A GNU Style was found on the command line |
145 | -- |
146 | --: @param This the Object itself |
147 | procedure Analyze_GNU (This : in out Object); |
148 | |
149 | --- |
150 | -- A File was found on the command line |
151 | -- |
152 | --: @param This the Object itself |
153 | procedure Analyze_File (This : in out Object); |
154 | |
155 | --- |
156 | -- Print a help line |
157 | -- |
158 | --: @param Evironment_Variable Name of alternative environment variable. |
159 | procedure Put_Help_Line (Evironment_Variable : String); |
160 | |
161 | --- |
162 | -- Print a help line |
163 | -- |
164 | --: @param Long Long GNU style option |
165 | --: @param Description description of option |
166 | procedure Put_Help_Line (Long : Wide_Wide_String; Description : Wide_Wide_String) with |
167 | Pre => (Long'Length < 20); |
168 | |
169 | --- |
170 | -- Print a help line |
171 | -- |
172 | --: @param Short Short option |
173 | --: @param Long Long GNU style option |
174 | --: @param Description description of option |
175 | procedure Put_Help_Line |
176 | (Short : Wide_Wide_Character; |
177 | Long : Wide_Wide_String; |
178 | Description : Wide_Wide_String) with |
179 | Pre => (Long'Length < 20); |
180 | |
181 | --- |
182 | -- Print a help line |
183 | -- |
184 | --: @param Long Long GNU style option |
185 | --: @param Option parameter for option |
186 | --: @param Description description of option |
187 | procedure Put_Help_Line |
188 | (Long : Wide_Wide_String; |
189 | Option : Wide_Wide_String; |
190 | Description : Wide_Wide_String) with |
191 | Pre => (Option'Length + 1 < 10) and then (Long'Length + Option'Length + 1 < 20); |
192 | |
193 | --- |
194 | -- Print a help line |
195 | -- |
196 | --: @param Short Short option |
197 | --: @param Long Long GNU style option |
198 | --: @param Option parameter for option |
199 | --: @param Description description of option |
200 | procedure Put_Help_Line |
201 | (Short : Wide_Wide_Character; |
202 | Long : Wide_Wide_String; |
203 | Option : Wide_Wide_String; |
204 | Description : Wide_Wide_String) with |
205 | Pre => (Option'Length + 1 < 10) and then (Long'Length + Option'Length + 1 < 20); |
206 | |
207 | --- |
208 | -- A Call for Help was found on the command line |
209 | -- |
210 | --: @param This the Object itself |
211 | procedure WriteHelp (This : in out Object); |
212 | |
213 | --- |
214 | -- Nr of Last Option processed |
215 | -- |
216 | --: @param This Object itself. |
217 | function Get_Optind (This : in Object) return Positive with |
218 | Inline; |
219 | |
220 | --- |
221 | -- Last Argument Option Found. |
222 | -- |
223 | --: @param This Object itself. |
224 | function Get_Argument (This : in Object) return Wide_Wide_String with |
225 | Inline; |
226 | |
227 | --- |
228 | -- Last Single Character Option Found. |
229 | -- |
230 | --: @param This Object itself. |
231 | --: @return Option found. |
232 | function Get_Option (This : in Object) return Wide_Wide_Character with |
233 | Inline; |
234 | |
235 | --- |
236 | -- Last GNU-Option Found. |
237 | -- |
238 | --: @param This Object itself. |
239 | --: @return GNU option found. |
240 | function Get_GNUOption (This : in Object) return Wide_Wide_String with |
241 | Inline; |
242 | |
243 | --- |
244 | -- Get Format string. The usual mix of options and ':' |
245 | -- |
246 | --: @param This Object itself. |
247 | --: @return currently used pattern. |
248 | function Get_Pattern (This : in Object) return Wide_Wide_String with |
249 | Inline; |
250 | |
251 | --- |
252 | -- Set Format string. The usual mix of options and ':' |
253 | -- |
254 | --: @param This Object itself. |
255 | --: @param Pattern Pattern to parse. |
256 | procedure Set_Pattern (This : in out Object; Pattern : in Wide_Wide_String) with |
257 | Inline; |
258 | |
259 | --- |
260 | -- Set error handling on or off |
261 | -- |
262 | --: @param This Object itself. |
263 | --: @param ExceptionOnError when true raise exception on error else return option ':' or '?' |
264 | procedure Set_ExceptionOnError (This : in out Object; ExceptionOnError : in Boolean := True) with |
265 | Inline; |
266 | |
267 | --- |
268 | -- Get GNU Option extraction flag. GNU-Options start with "--" and have the Format --option=argument. |
269 | -- |
270 | --: @param This Object itself. |
271 | --: @return True if GNU options are parsed. |
272 | function Get_ExtractGNU (This : in Object) return Boolean with |
273 | Inline; |
274 | |
275 | --- |
276 | -- Set GNU Option extraction flag. GNU-Options start with "--" and have the Format --option=argument. |
277 | -- |
278 | --: @param This Object itself. |
279 | --: @param ExtractGNU When true, gnu options are extracted. |
280 | procedure Set_ExtractGNU (This : in out Object; ExtractGNU : in Boolean := True) with |
281 | Inline; |
282 | |
283 | private |
284 | package Unbounded renames Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; |
285 | |
286 | Help_GNU : constant Wide_Wide_String := "help"; |
287 | Help_Short : constant Wide_Wide_Character := '?'; |
288 | Option_Error : constant Wide_Wide_Character := '?'; |
289 | Option_Argument : constant Wide_Wide_Character := ':'; |
290 | Option_Marker : constant Wide_Wide_Character := '-'; |
291 | |
292 | --- |
293 | -- An opject oriented version of getopt made for Ada - thats without the C style uglines. If you are looking for a |
294 | -- 100% compatible Version of getopt see: |
295 | -- |
296 | -- Also, unlike for exapmle GNAT.Command_Line this package is reentrant. All internal states are kept inside the |
297 | -- class instanz so two tasks can parse the command line in parallel. |
298 | -- |
299 | -- last not least we support GNU style command line options. |
300 | -- |
301 | --: @field ExceptionOnError Error handling on or off |
302 | --: @field Pattern Set Format string. The usual mix of options and ':' |
303 | --: @field Argument Last Argument Option Found. |
304 | --: @field GNUOption Last GNU-Option Found. |
305 | --: @field Option Last Single Character Option Found. |
306 | --: @field ExtractGNU GNU Option extraction flag. GNU-Options start with |
307 | type Object is tagged record |
308 | Curopt : Natural := 2; |
309 | Optind : Positive := 1; |
310 | ExceptionOnError : Boolean := True; |
311 | Pattern : Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String := Unbounded.Null_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String; |
312 | Argument : Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String := Unbounded.Null_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String; |
313 | GNUOption : Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String := Unbounded.Null_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String; |
314 | Option : Wide_Wide_Character := Option_Error; |
315 | ExtractGNU : Boolean := False; |
316 | end record; |
317 | |
318 | end AdaCL.Command_Line.GetOpt; |
319 | |
320 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ ---------- |
321 | --: vim: set textwidth=0 nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 expandtab : |
322 | --: vim: set filetype=ada fileencoding=utf-8 fileformat=unix foldmethod=expr : |
323 | --: vim: set spell spelllang=en_gb |