1--------------------------------------------------------------- {{{1 ----------
2--: Copyright © 2003 … 2023 Martin Krischik «»
4--: This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5--: under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
6--: the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
7--: option) any later version.
9--: This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10--: WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
11--: or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
12--: License for more details.
14--: You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
15--: along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
16--: Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
17--------------------------------------------------------------- }}}1 ----------
19pragma License (Modified_Gpl);
20pragma Ada_2022;
22with Interfaces;
25-- @summary
26-- Strings with hex numbers.
28-- @description
29-- Operation on hex string which don't contain the 16# and #
31package AdaCL.Wide_Strings.Hex is
33 --
34 -- Given an modulus type returns an hex character string without the base marker.
35 --
36 --: @generic Unsigned_Type Modulo type to convert to a hex string.
37 --: @generic Width Width of the hex string formated to. Wide_String is filled with leading 0
38 --: @param Value Value to convert to hex
39 --: @return Fixed width character string repesenting the value
40 generic
41 type Unsigned_Type is mod <>;
42 Width : Integer := Unsigned_Type'Size / 4;
43 function Generic_Image (Value : in Unsigned_Type) return Wide_String with
44 Pure_Function, Post => (Generic_Image'Result'Length = Width);
46 ---
47 -- Given a string to hex digits return the value as an unsigned type
48 --
49 --: @generic Unsigned_Type Modulo type to convert to a hex string.
50 --: @generic Value Value to convert to hex
51 --: @return Fixed width character string repesenting the value
52 generic
53 type Unsigned_Type is mod <>;
54 function Generic_Value (Image : in Wide_String) return Unsigned_Type with
55 Pure_Function;
57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 ---
60 -- Given an Unsigned_8 returns an hex 2 character hex string without the base marker
61 --
62 --: @param Value Value to convert to hex
63 --: @return Fixed 2 character string repesenting the value
64 function Image (Value : in Interfaces.Unsigned_8) return Wide_String with
65 Pure_Function, Inline, Post => (Image'Result'Length = 2);
67 ---
68 -- Given an Unsigned_16 returns an hex 4 character hex string without the base marker
69 --
70 --: @param Value Value to convert to hex
71 --: @return Fixed 4 character string repesenting the value
72 function Image (Value : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16) return Wide_String with
73 Pure_Function, Inline, Post => (Image'Result'Length = 4);
75 ---
76 -- Given an Unsigned_32 returns an hex 8 character hex string without the base marker
77 --
78 --: @param Value Value to convert to hex
79 --: @return Fixed 8 character string repesenting the value
80 function Image (Value : in Interfaces.Unsigned_32) return Wide_String with
81 Pure_Function, Inline, Post => (Image'Result'Length = 8);
83 ---
84 -- Given an Unsigned_64 returns an hex 16 character hex string without the base marker
85 --
86 --: @param Value Value to convert to hex
87 --: @return Fixed 16 character string repesenting the value
88 function Image (Value : in Interfaces.Unsigned_64) return Wide_String with
89 Pure_Function, Inline, Post => (Image'Result'Length = 16);
91 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 ---
94 -- Given hex string, return its Value as a Unsigned_8.
95 --
96 --: @param Image Hex Wide_String without 16#...#.
97 --: @return parsed Unsigned_8 value
98 function Value (Image : in Wide_String) return Interfaces.Unsigned_8 with
99 Pure_Function, Inline;
101 ---
102 -- Given hex string, return its Value as a Unsigned_64.
103 --
104 --: @param Image Hex Wide_String without 16#...#.
105 --: @return parsed Unsigned_16 value
106 function Value (Image : in Wide_String) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16 with
107 Pure_Function, Inline;
109 ---
110 -- Given hex string, return its Value as a Unsigned_64.
111 --
112 --: @param Image Hex Wide_String without 32#...#.
113 --: @return parsed Unsigned_32 value
114 function Value (Image : in Wide_String) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32 with
115 Pure_Function, Inline;
117 ---
118 -- Given hex string, return its Value as a Unsigned_64.
119 --
120 --: @param Image Hex Wide_String without 16#...#.
121 --: @return parsed Unsigned_64 value
122 function Value (Image : in Wide_String) return Interfaces.Unsigned_64 with
123 Pure_Function, Inline;
125end AdaCL.Wide_Strings.Hex;
127---------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ ----------
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129--: vim: set filetype=ada fileencoding=utf-8 fileformat=unix foldmethod=expr :
130--: vim: set spell spelllang=en_gb