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18 | pragma License (Modified_Gpl); |
19 | pragma Ada_2022; |
20 | |
21 | with Ada.Directories; |
22 | with AdaCL.Assert.Arrays; |
23 | with AdaCL.Assert.Discrete; |
24 | with AdaCL.Assert.Pointer; |
25 | with AdaCL.Assert; |
26 | with AdaCL.Base; |
27 | with AdaCL.Limited_Base; |
28 | with AUnit.Assertions; |
29 | with Interfaces; |
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34 | package AdaCL_EAStrings_Test is |
35 | package Assert is new AdaCL.Assert (Report_Assertion => AUnit.Assertions.Assert); |
36 | |
37 | package Assert_File_Size is new Assert.Discrete (Discrete_Type => Ada.Directories.File_Size); |
38 | package Assert_Integer is new Assert.Discrete (Discrete_Type => Integer); |
39 | package Assert_Unsigned_16 is new Assert.Discrete (Discrete_Type => Interfaces.Unsigned_16); |
40 | package Assert_Unsigned_32 is new Assert.Discrete (Discrete_Type => Interfaces.Unsigned_32); |
41 | package Assert_Unsigned_64 is new Assert.Discrete (Discrete_Type => Interfaces.Unsigned_64); |
42 | package Assert_Unsigned_8 is new Assert.Discrete (Discrete_Type => Interfaces.Unsigned_8); |
43 | |
44 | package Assert_String is new Assert.Arrays |
45 | (Element_Type => Character, |
46 | Index_Type => Positive, |
47 | Array_Type => String); |
48 | |
49 | package Assert_Wide_String is new Assert.Arrays |
50 | (Element_Type => Wide_Character, |
51 | Index_Type => Positive, |
52 | Array_Type => Wide_String); |
53 | |
54 | package Assert_Wide_Wide_String is new Assert.Arrays |
55 | (Element_Type => Wide_Wide_Character, |
56 | Index_Type => Positive, |
57 | Array_Type => Wide_Wide_String); |
58 | |
59 | package Assert_Base is new Assert.Pointer |
60 | (Element_Type => AdaCL.Base.Object_Interface'Class, Element_Access => AdaCL.Base.Object_Class); |
61 | |
62 | package Assert_Limited_Base is new Assert.Pointer |
63 | (Element_Type => AdaCL.Limited_Base.Object_Interface'Class, Element_Access => AdaCL.Limited_Base.Object_Class); |
64 | |
65 | Trace_Directory : constant String := "share/AdaCL_EAStrings_Test/"; |
66 | Trace_File : constant String := Trace_Directory & "AdaCL_EAStrings_Test.log"; |
67 | end AdaCL_EAStrings_Test; |
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