
Strings with hex numbers.






Operation on hex string which don't contain the 16# and #

Generic_Image [source]

43 function Generic_Image (Value : in Unsigned_Type) return String with
44 Post => (Generic_Image'Result'Length = Width);

Given an modulus type returns an hex character string without the base marker. @generic Unsigned_Type Modulo type to convert to a hex string. @generic Width Width of the hex string formated to. String is filled with leading 0

Value of type AdaCL.Strings.Hex.Generic_Image.Unsigned_Type

Value to convert to hex

Return value

Fixed width character string repesenting the value

Generic_Value [source]

67 function Generic_Value (Image : in String) return Unsigned_Type;

Given a string to hex digits return the value as an unsigned type @generic Unsigned_Type Modulo type to convert to a hex string.

Image of type String

Image to convert to number

Return value

Fixed width character string repesenting the value

Generic_Wide_Image [source]

56 function Generic_Wide_Image (Value : in Unsigned_Type) return Wide_String with
57 Pure_Function, Post => (Generic_Wide_Image'Result'Length = Width);

Given an modulus type returns an hex character string without the base marker. @generic Unsigned_Type Modulo type to convert to a hex string. @generic Width Width of the hex string formated to. String is filled with leading 0

Value of type AdaCL.Strings.Hex.Generic_Wide_Image.Unsigned_Type

Value to convert to hex

Return value

Fixed width character string repesenting the value

Generic_Wide_Value [source]

77 function Generic_Wide_Value (Image : in Wide_String) return Unsigned_Type with
78 Pure_Function, Inline;

Given a string to hex digits return the value as an unsigned type @generic Unsigned_Type Modulo type to convert to a hex string.

Image of type Wide_String

Image to convert to number

Return value

Fixed width character string repesenting the value

Image [source]

87 function Image (Value : in Interfaces.Unsigned_8) return String with
88 Post => (Image'Result'Length = 2);

Given an Unsigned_8 returns an hex 2 character hex string without the base marker

Value of type Unsigned_8

Value to convert to hex

Return value

Fixed 2 character string repesenting the value

Image [source]

95 function Image (Value : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16) return String with
96 Post => (Image'Result'Length = 4);

Given an Unsigned_16 returns an hex 4 character hex string without the base marker

Value of type Unsigned_16

Value to convert to hex

Return value

Fixed 4 character string repesenting the value

Image [source]

103 function Image (Value : in Interfaces.Unsigned_32) return String with
104 Post => (Image'Result'Length = 8);

Given an Unsigned_32 returns an hex 8 character hex string without the base marker

Value of type Unsigned_32

Value to convert to hex

Return value

Fixed 8 character string repesenting the value

Image [source]

111 function Image (Value : in Interfaces.Unsigned_64) return String with
112 Pure_Function, Inline, Post => (Image'Result'Length = 16);

Given an Unsigned_64 returns an hex 16 character hex string without the base marker

Value of type Unsigned_64

Value to convert to hex

Return value

Fixed 16 character string repesenting the value

Value [source]

121 function Value (Image : in String) return Interfaces.Unsigned_8;

Given hex string, return its Value as a Unsigned_8.

Image of type String

Hex String without 16#...#.

Return value

parsed Unsigned_8 value

Value [source]

128 function Value (Image : in String) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16;

Given hex string, return its Value as a Unsigned_64.

Image of type String

Hex String without 16#...#.

Return value

parsed Unsigned_16 value

Value [source]

135 function Value (Image : in String) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32;

Given hex string, return its Value as a Unsigned_64.

Image of type String

Hex String without 32#...#.

Return value

parsed Unsigned_32 value

Value [source]

142 function Value (Image : in String) return Interfaces.Unsigned_64 with
143 Pure_Function, Inline;

Given hex string, return its Value as a Unsigned_64.

Image of type String

Hex String without 16#...#.

Return value

parsed Unsigned_64 value