Destination |
Parameter |
Object |
Adjust | |
Finalize | |
Function_Trace | |
Function_Trace |
Parameter_Vectors (generic instantiation) |
55 | type Destination is |
56 | (Queue, |
57 | Standard_Error, |
58 | Standard_Output, |
59 | File); |
Trace Destination
Trace to system queue
Trace to standart error
Trace to standart output
Trace to file
40 | Parameter : Parameter_Vectors.Vector renames Parameter_Vectors.Empty_Vector; |
46 | type Object (Name_Length : Positive) is new Base.Object with private; |
Keep internal data for function traces
Inherits Object
Length of trace String
292 | procedure Disable_Trace with |
293 | Inline; |
Enable Trace
310 | procedure Disable_Verbose with |
311 | Inline; |
Disable Verbose Output
274 | procedure Disable_Write_Line_Number with |
275 | Inline; |
Don't Write Line numbers
363 | procedure Disable_Write_Prefix with |
364 | Inline; |
Disable_ the write prefix
286 | procedure Enable_Trace with |
287 | Inline; |
Enable Trace
304 | procedure Enable_Verbose with |
305 | Inline; |
Enable Verbose Output
268 | procedure Enable_Write_Line_Number with |
269 | Inline; |
Write Line numbers
357 | procedure Enable_Write_Prefix with |
358 | Inline; |
Enable the write prefix
106 | procedure Entering (Name : in String) with |
107 | Inline; |
Name of the function calls to be traced.
114 | procedure Entering |
115 | (Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
116 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location); |
Name of the function calls to be traced.
Source Line to be traced
123 | procedure Entering |
124 | (In_Parameter : in String; |
125 | Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
126 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location); |
Name of the function calls to be traced.
Source Line to be traced
133 | procedure Entering |
134 | (In_Parameters : in Parameter_Vectors.Vector; |
135 | Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
136 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location); |
Name of the function calls to be traced.
Source Line to be traced
142 | procedure Exiting (Name : in String) with |
143 | Inline; |
Name of the function calls to be traced.
150 | procedure Exiting |
151 | (Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
152 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location); |
Name of the function calls to be traced.
Source Line to be traced
160 | procedure Exiting |
161 | (Out_Parameter : in String; |
162 | Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
163 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location); |
return value of function as string.
name of the function calls to be traced.
source line to be traced
171 | procedure Exiting |
172 | (Out_Parameters : in Parameter_Vectors.Vector; |
173 | Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
174 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location); |
return value of function as string.
name of the function calls to be traced.
source line to be traced
64 | procedure Initialize; |
Initialize trace from environment variable and commandline
298 | function Is_Trace_Enabled return Boolean with |
299 | Inline; |
check is trace is Enabled
316 | function Is_Verbose_Enabled return Boolean with |
317 | Inline; |
check is trace is Enabled
280 | function Is_Write_Line_Number_Enabled return Boolean with |
281 | Inline; |
check if Line numbers are written
369 | function Is_Write_Prefix_Enabled return Boolean with |
370 | Inline; |
Check the write prefix flag
183 | procedure Raise_Exception_With_Entity |
184 | (Raising : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id := Ada.Assertions.Assertion_Error'Identity; |
185 | Message : in String := "No Message given"; |
186 | Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
187 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location) with |
188 | No_Return; |
Trace the given exeption details and then raise the exception.
Exeption which is raised Message : Free form Message
Message to print to trace
Location destriptor.
Location destriptor.
211 | procedure Raise_Exception_With_Entity |
212 | (Raising : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id := Ada.Assertions.Assertion_Error'Identity; |
213 | Message : in Wide_Wide_String := "No Message given"; |
214 | Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
215 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location) with |
216 | No_Return; |
Trace the given exeption details and then raise the exception.
Exeption which is raised Message : Free form Message
Message to print to trace
Location destriptor.
Location destriptor.
197 | procedure Raise_Exception_With_File |
198 | (Raising : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id := Ada.Assertions.Assertion_Error'Identity; |
199 | Message : in String := "No Message given"; |
200 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.File; |
201 | Line : in Natural := GNAT.Source_Info.Line) with |
202 | No_Return; |
Trace the given exeption details and then raise the exception.
Exeption which is raised Message : Free form Message
Message to print to trace
Line number.
225 | procedure Raise_Exception_With_File |
226 | (Raising : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id := Ada.Assertions.Assertion_Error'Identity; |
227 | Message : in Wide_Wide_String := "No Message given"; |
228 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.File; |
229 | Line : in Natural := GNAT.Source_Info.Line) with |
230 | No_Return; |
Trace the given exeption details and then raise the exception.
Exeption which is raised Message : Free form Message
Message to print to trace
Line number.
241 | procedure Report_Assertion |
242 | (Condition : in Boolean; |
243 | Raising : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id := Ada.Assertions.Assertion_Error'Identity; |
244 | Message : in String := "No Message given."; |
245 | Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
246 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location) with |
247 | Inline; |
Report an assert condition. If the condition is not true create a trace entry describing the assertion and then raise an exception.
Condition which should be true
Exeption which is raised
Free form Message
Location destriptor.
Location destriptor.
259 | procedure Report_Assertion |
260 | (Condition : Boolean; |
261 | Message : String; |
262 | Source : String := GNAT.Source_Info.File; |
263 | Line : Natural := GNAT.Source_Info.Line); |
Report an assert condition. If the condition is not true create a trace entry describing the assertion and then raise an exception. This version used parameter which are compatible with AUnit
Condition which should be true
Free form Message
Filename of source code
Line number in source code.
351 | function Trace_Destination return Destination with |
352 | Inline; |
Check the Trace Destination
376 | procedure Write (Text : in String); |
Write an String using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
394 | procedure Write (Text : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); |
Write an String using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
400 | procedure Write (Text : in Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_String); |
Write an String using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
406 | procedure Write (Text : in Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String); |
Write an String using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
412 | procedure Write (Text : in String; An_Address : in System.Address); |
Write an Address.
String to be written
418 | procedure Write (An_Exception : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence); |
Write an Exception to the Trace
String to be written
426 | procedure Write |
427 | (An_Exception : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence; |
428 | Entity : in String; |
429 | Source : in String); |
Write an Exception to the Trace
Exception to be written
Procedure in which the exception was caught
Source File in which Entity is located.
516 | procedure Write_Commandline_Help; |
Write Help for Commandline Options parsed from Trace
436 | procedure Write_Dump (An_Address : in System.Address; Size_In_Byte : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count); |
Create a memory dump, S
String to be written
Size in Storage_Elements.
443 | procedure Write_Dump (An_Address : in System.Address; Size_In_Bits : in Integer); |
Create a memory dump. This Dump takes size in bits.
String to be written
Size in Bits - i.E. for 'Size.
449 | procedure Write_Error (Text : in String); |
Write an IString using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
455 | procedure Write_Error (Text : in Wide_String); |
Write an IString using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
461 | procedure Write_Error (Text : in Wide_Wide_String); |
Write an IString using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
467 | procedure Write_Error (Text : in Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String); |
Write an IString using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
473 | procedure Write_Error (An_Exception : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence); |
Write an Exception to the Trace
String to be written
481 | procedure Write_Error |
482 | (An_Exception : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence; |
483 | Entity : in String; |
484 | Source : in String); |
Write an Exception to the Trace
String to be written
Procedure in which the exception was caught
Source File in which Entity is located.
489 | procedure Write_Info; |
When verbose is aktivated then an empty line is written to Standart_Output
497 | procedure Write_Info (Text : in String); |
Write an IString using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation. When verbose is aktivated then the string is written to Standart_Output as well.
String to be written
503 | procedure Write_Info (Text : in Character); |
When verbose is aktivated then the character is written to Standart_Output.
character to be written
511 | procedure Write_Info (Text : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String); |
Write an IString using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation. When verbose is aktivated then the string is written to Standart_Output as well.
String to be written
340 | procedure Write_To_File with |
341 | Inline; |
Write to queue - not supported yet.
346 | procedure Write_To_File (New_Filename : in String); |
Set Filename for Trace File
322 | procedure Write_To_Queue with |
323 | Inline; |
Write to queue - not supported yet.
328 | procedure Write_To_Standard_Error with |
329 | Inline; |
Write to Standart Error
334 | procedure Write_To_Standard_Output with |
335 | Inline; |
Write to Standart Error
382 | procedure Write_Wide (Text : in Wide_String); |
Write an IString using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
388 | procedure Write_Wide_Wide (Text : in Wide_Wide_String); |
Write an IString using writeFormattedString after adding the appropriate padding for indentation.
String to be written
538 | overriding procedure Adjust (This : in out Object); |
Trace Copy.
Object itself.
545 | overriding procedure Finalize (This : in out Object); |
Trace end of function
Object itself.
73 | function Function_Trace (Name : in String) return Object with |
74 | Inline; |
Functrace is not quite as usefull as the C++ version. The reason are the missing constructors and destructors in Ada. With Controlled types you can't limit to just one call to Initialize and one to Finalize There are allways some extra Adjust with matching. Finalize.
Name of the function calls to be traced.
84 | function Function_Trace |
85 | (Entity : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity; |
86 | Source : in String := GNAT.Source_Info.Source_Location) |
87 | return Object is (Function_Trace (Name => Entity & ':' & Source)); |
Functrace is not quite as usefull as the C++ version. The reason are the missing constructors and destructors in Ada. With Controlled types you can't limit to just one call to Initialize and one to Finalize There are allways some extra Adjust with matching. Finalize.
Name of the function calls to be traced.
Source Line to be traced
38 | package Parameter_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => String); |