Access types
Record types
Tagged types
Dispatching subprograms
Generic instantiations
Nested packages
Test routine description
Test_Case_Access [source]
- Routine of type AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Routine
- Routine_Name of type AUnit.Message_String
Inherits Test_Case
Inherited by Specific_Test_Case
- T of type AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case
- Val of type AUnit.Test_Cases.Routine_Spec
Register test methods with test suite
- Test of type AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case
Routine name. Returns the routine under test. Do not override.
- Test of type AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case
- Return value
Run test case. Do not override.
- Test of type
- Options of type AUnit.Options.AUnit_Options
- R of type AUnit.Test_Results.Result
- Outcome of type AUnit.Status
Perform the current test procedure. Do not override.
- Test of type AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case
Set up performed before each test case (set of test routines)
- Test of type AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case
Tear down performed after each test case
- Test of type AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case
Failure_Lists (generic instantiation) [source]
112 | package Failure_Lists is |
113 | new Ada_Containers.AUnit_Lists (Message_String); |
Container for failed assertion messages per routine
Instantiation of Ada_Containers.AUnit_Lists
Routine_Lists (generic instantiation) [source]
109 | package Routine_Lists is new Ada_Containers.AUnit_Lists (Routine_Spec); |
Container for test routines
Instantiation of Ada_Containers.AUnit_Lists